
Export NIF

  • Exporting is done through the Blender interface: File -> Export -> Morrowind (.nif).

Export Options

  • Vertex Precision

    Rounding precision used when optimizing vertex data. This feature is similar to Blender’s native Merge by Distance, but differs in that it respects additional vertex data such as normals, uv coordinates, and vertex colors. In most cases there is no need to change this value from the default 0.001.

  • Only Collection

    Only export objects from the active collection.

  • Only Selected

    Only export objects that are selected.

  • Export Animations

    Uncheck to skip all animation data during export.

  • Extract Keyframe Data

    Extract animations and visuals to corrosponding ‘x.kf’ and ‘x.nif’ files. (e.g. exporting ‘base_anim.nif’ will create additional ‘xbase_anim.nif’ and ‘xbase_anim.kf’ files)

  • Preserve Material Names

    Preserve material names from the source file. If unchecked materials will be renamed based on the assigned textures.